Monday, July 11, 2011

Thesis Character Sketches

This is my thesis character that am developing. Some small changes have been made to his shoulder armor in more recent drawings though, but this is his color scheme. The bottom model sheet has also udergone some changes in the hands, it will not have armor in the final product because am removing any uneeded details to ease my animating time. This film has to be made in 8 months so amount of detail is something to consider when designing for aniumation. Also because its a one person project. But I want to take it to another level this year.

There will be more posts to come :)


  1. Wow! Pretty awesome Servan! its really detailed though, are you going to simplify it so its easier to animate?

  2. XD thanks Kirstin. He is only wearing this costume for the intro scenes, he'll be wearing something else for about 80% of the film, you'll se when I post a picture of that design. Your characters are detailed too, but you know much detail we can handle :)Don's approved my designs.
